
Epilobium angustifolium

Family Evening Primrose (Onagraceae)
Bloom Summer, early fall
Habitat Dry, roadsides, recently burned woodland, meadows
Status Native
Cycle Perennial
Height 2-6′
Flower Flowers have 4 rounded petals that form a spike cluster of pink-purple. White stigma at the center of each flower is elongated and terminates in 4 lobes. Clusters can be 6-12″ long. flowers open from the bottom of the spike to the top.
Leaf Leaves are long and narrow, faintly toothed. Similar to a willow leaf.
Notes One of the first plants to grow after a forest fire. It grows in disturbed areas and can grow individually or in clusters. Plants spread from seed. Seed pods are slender and up to 3″ long opening from the top down to release a silky down to carry the seeds.


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