
Leonurus cardiaca

Family Mint (lamiaceae)
Bloom Summer
Habitat Meadows, roadsides, disturbed soil
Status Non-Native
Cycle Perennial
Height 12-24″
Flower Pale lavender to pink flowers clustered along the stem. Flowers are small, 2-lipped from a tubular base with an arched upper lip and lower lip with 3 lobes. Outside the upper lip is densely covered with white hairs. Flowers form whorls in leaf axis.
Leaf Leaves are in pairs (opposite) and have long stalks from the stem. Lower leaves are 2-4″ long and have 3 long sharp-pointed lobes, each with a few sharp teeth.
Notes Stems are erect, stout, and 4-sided. Motherwort originated in Asia and was imported from Europe. It has been used as a medicinal for heart ailments and menstrual disorders.


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