All of our volunteers are registered as volunteers with Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore. Volunteers who need an annual pass to Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore to do their volunteer work, and should request one at the Visitor Center after reporting volunteer hours for at least one month.
The 2022 VIP Handbook is a resource for all volunteers.
The FOSBD Org Chart lists who is responsible for each task under the organization’s main functions and is a good tool to help get to know more about the Friend’s. Learn more about all Friends activities and view the Org Chart here:
Click on the appropriate link below to report your hours and comments:
Propose a fundraising or informational event. Click the link and fill out the form and your idea will be sent to other staff or board members, who can assist you with the event. If approvals are required, this form will initiate the approval process.
Propose a new program (like Adopt-A-Beach or Ambassador program). All new programs for Friends of Sleeping Bear Dunes must be approved by the Board of Directors. This form will send your idea and background information to the right people to work through the approval process.
We want your experience to be fun and rewarding. A great way to enhance your involvement with the Friends is when you make real connections with other like-minded folks who share your love and devotion to your National Lakeshore.
Our closed group on Facebook is exclusively for FOSBD volunteers. You can go there and share all kinds of things of interest with fellow volunteers. Make new friends, learn new skills, ask questions or give advice, share your experiences, and post your pictures!
We encourage all our volunteers to join and participate! Click on the image above or use this link to go to the Friends of Sleeping Bear Dunes Volunteer Group and JOIN!