We are in need of a new place to store our equipment! Due to the renovation of the Sleeping Bear Inn, we need to move from the garages there.
A new, 1600-square-foot storage facility is planned at the Dune Climb to store:
- Heritage Trail maintenance tools and equipment
- The Park’s Mobile Visitor Center van
- The Friends’ track chairs and trailer
- The Friends’ publications and supplies.
This will provide a central location for the track chairs and trailer in this garage as well as trail maintenance equipment like our gaters that help us take care of the SBHT year-round.
The Garage will be temperature-controlled and provide storage for our books, maps, and stickers with easy access, and we will provide the Park with storage for their Mobile Visitor Center van and other interpretive equipment for visitor programs.
Help us make this project happen by making a generous donation this fall. Our target is to raise $30,000 to complete the capital needs for this storage building. Select ‘Dune Center Garage’ when you donate at https://friendsofsleepingbear.org/donate-now/.
For a more detailed update on the plan for the Dune Center Storage Facility ‘The Garage’, review the planning sketch.