
The Cyclery in Glen Arbor Helps the Friends Expand its Accessibility Program

The Friends’ efforts to expand the accessibility of the Lakeshore and provide recreational opportunities for all took a major step this week with the purchase of a Van Raam Opair bicycle. This wheelchair bike will allow everyone to enjoy the Sleeping Bear Heritage Trail.

The Friends was able to purchase this bike through the generosity of many donors, including The Cyclery in Glen Arbor. Matt & Katy Weisen and Nick Killian of The Cyclery and Crystal River Outfitters continued their long-time support of the Friends by partnering with us to evaluate accessible bicycle options. During these discussions, the team offered to become a dealer for Van Raam Opair bicycles, providing local expertise, maintenance and purchase options for future bicycles. They also made a donation towards the cost of the bike!

“The Cyclery and the Crystal River Outfitters Recreational District have a mission to get people out recreating within Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore. When the Sleeping Bear Heritage Trail was established it provided yet another great way to explore the park. Paved, non-motorized paths wind throughout the park to showcase more of the area’s beauty to all ages,” said Katy Weisen. “The addition of the Van Raam Wheelchair Bike that we helped the Friends of Sleeping Bear obtain is yet another opportunity to expand usership! We are so appreciative of all the Friends do to better our community and visitor experiences.”

The Friends are currently developing the bike program and awaiting the arrival of the first bike. We hope to begin free bicycle rides with the Opair on the Sleeping Bear Heritage Trail from the Dune Climb to Glen Arbor later this summer.

2024 Spring Volunteer Training

Annual Friends of Sleeping Bear Dunes Volunteer Training

Scheduled for May 18th

Friends of Sleeping Bear Dunes Annual Spring Training is scheduled for 1 pm, May 18th, at the Empire Town Hall and on Zoom. Get the latest safety training, and park updates, and meet other awesome Sleeping Bear Dunes Friends volunteers and park staff.
1 PM general orientation and 2 PM break-out sessions.
More information will be provided in later newsletters.  

What: Friends of Sleeping Bear Dunes Volunteer Training
Saturday, May 18th
Empire Town Hall, 10088 W Front St, Empire, MI 49630
Zoom: Join us on Zoom – Click Here
All Current and Interested Volunteers 



Park-lead Winter Activities

Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore (National Lakeshore) will be hosting weekly programs on Saturdays. 

Check the Park Calendar every week for programs from Saturday, January 6 through March 16, 2024. The park will feature at least one guided hike exploring different winter themes or other winter-themed activities, such as games and crafts, which are welcome to anyone of all ages. For descriptions of each program, along with specific information on start times, locations, and topics, please visit the program calendar a

Saturday programs will take place regardless of weather, though weather conditions may impact the location of some activities. Interested participants should review the calendar details on the day of the event for any important updates.

Reservations are only required for the morning ranger-led hikes. To make a reservation, please call 231-326-4700, extension 5010

All programs will be free with a park entrance pass or annual pass, which must be displayed in your vehicle. Park passes can be purchased at the Philip A. Hart Visitor Center in Empire, which is open daily between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.

Special Programs include: 

Groceries for Good with Oryana

Oryana, the TC-based food co-op will be supporting the Friends through their program, Groceries for Good. Oryana is designating Thursday, September 14th as a Groceries for Good day to benefit the Friends. Oryana will donate 2% of their profits that day, from both their East and West locations to Friends plus offer customers the opportunity to “round up” their purchase to the next dollar, with the change going to Friends. 

Friends Volunteers will be at both locations mid-day to talk to shoppers about the Friends Mission and how they can become a Friend. 

Learn More about the Program on Oryana’s Website.

When: Thursday, September 14th 
Where: Oryana Stores, Traverse City 
260 E Tenth St, Traverse City, MI 49684
3587 Marketplace Cir, Traverse City, MI 49684
What: 2% of their profits that day go to the Friends.

2023 Annual Meeting

Friends Volunteers_SBHT_DuneClimb

Please join us for the Friends of Sleeping Bear Dunes annual meeting, Tuesday, August 29, 2023, 3:00 PM at the Empire Town Hall. Friends Volunteers_SBHT_DuneClimb

You are welcome to attend if you are an active Friend; volunteer or donor, or interested in learning more about the organization. The meeting will last approximately an hour, and will not be broadcast digitally this year. There will be updates from Friends Leadership and Park Superintendent, Scott Tucker. Ice Cream will be served following the meeting. Below is the tentative Agenda. 

What: Friends of Sleeping Bear Dunes Annual Meeting 
When: Tuesday, August 29th, at 3:00 PM 
Where: Empire Town Hall, 10088 W Front St, Empire, MI 49630
Who: All Active Friends, or those interested in learning more about the organization. 


1. Chairman’s Welcome, Kerry Kelly
2. August 21, 2022 Annual Membership Meeting Minutes, Bill Stott (Secretary)
3. Annual Financial Report 2023, Steve Klein (Treasurer)
4. Project Updates, Kerry Kelly
5. Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore Update, Scott Tucker (SLBE
6. Introduction of Board Member Candidate and Vote, Bill Stott
7. Adjourn and Ice Cream Social

Friends’ membership is comprised of people who have donated their time or money to the Friends this year or last.

Upcoming Events: May-June 2023

Upcoming Events with the Friends of Sleeping Bear Dunes and Park

5/5: Antique Apple and Pear Tree Pruning Workshop
Arrive at the Kelderhouse farm by 10am. Participants will assist in planting the orchard alongside Sleeping Bears Dunes National Lakeshore partners, Leelanau Conservation District, and the County Extension Master Gardener Program. During this morning activity, a grafting demonstration will also occur in
the orchard, along with planting new trees from the park’s apple nursery. We will be demonstrating how to add new stock back into your old orchard.
From 1-4pm, the workshop will address how to identify and properly remove dead materials from abandoned trees, proper pruning of the canopy for optimum maintenance and fruit production, maintain tree health, maintain ground cover under the tree, watering and care of the tree, and equipment safety. Participants can help transplant whips out of the nursery into the orchard, pruning trees and watch a grafting demo. 

5/6: Track Chair Training
We will be training on
Saturday, May 6th, for the upcoming Track Chair season; this training is open to new and current volunteers.  We will be doing the Bayview at 10am (meet at the lower trailhead off of Port Oneida Rd. near the Kelderhouse) and the Platte Campground at 2:30pm, both lasting 2.5 hours. You can attend one or both sessions depending on which trail you want to help with. This is a great way to learn about our program and how the Track Chairs operate. If you have any questions, please email us at 


5/9: Glen Haven Volunteer Training (VIRTUAL)
Are you interested in volunteering at Glen Haven? This training is for you. Over two trainings, the park will focus on Interpretation, and the other on volunteer safety, specifically in Glen Haven. Training is two nights, the first on May 9th. Both events will be virtual.
For  more information, contact Casey for more info at


5/13: Friends of Sleeping Bear Dunes Spring Training
 The Annual Friends of Sleeping Bear Dunes training is scheduled for May 13th at the Empire Town Hall. The training begins with a general orientation at 1pm, which applies to all experienced and new volunteers. This training is a once-a-year chance for volunteers to hear the latest park news from park staff. It will include updates from the park superintendent, park rangers, and the Park volunteer coordinator. The 1 pm general training will be followed by 2pm breakout sessions to provide more information about individual volunteer opportunities, including Adopt-A-Beach and Adopt-A-Trail. 

5/31: Bark Ranger Informational Kick-off
The kick-off event is for new volunteers of the Bark Ranger Program. Help the National Park and The Great Lakes Piping Plover Conservation Team protect piping plovers. We are recruiting dog owners to join our BARK Rangers program. Volunteering focuses on encouraging pet owners to recreate responsibly in the park with a lead-by-example approach.
This event will take place at Empire Township Hall at 6:30pm.
For more information, contact Tess Kohler at 

6/3: National Trails Day
Please join us for National Trails Day and celebrate our beautiful rustic trails within Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore. If you are new to the Friends or a current volunteer, we would like to get every trail in the Park reported on and need your help. Come to the Dune Climb parking lot between 9am-3pm to visit our tent and register. We are offering a free copy of our brand new, full-color, 40-page Hiking Trail Map Booklet to registered participants, along with some fun swag to give away from the American Hiking Society as an official registered event. This is a fantastic opportunity to include family members and friends and get out to enjoy the wildflower season too.  We hope to see you there!
If you have any questions, please contact Tracy Barrilleaux at 

6/4: Trivia at Joe’s Friendly Tavern
Join us in Glen Arbor at 11015 W Front Street, Empire on June 4th. The event will start at 4pm meet and greet with the Friends and Trivia at 5 pm hosted by “Hoot,” the local trivia master.
All questions are based on information found in Picture-Perfect Sleeping Bear. Join for a chance to win some cool Friends swag.

6/10: Bark Ranger Training

Bark Ranger Volunteers meet at the Glen Lake Picnic Area June 10th at 10:30am. This Bark Ranger training event for new volunteers. Help the National Park and The Great Lakes Piping Plover Conservation Team protect piping plovers. The BARK Rangers program, focused on encouraging pet owners to recreate responsibly in the park with a lead-by-example approach.
Training on June 10 will now be held at the Empire Township Hall.
For more information, contact Tess Kohler at 

6/12-16: Barn Workshop
These Barn Workshops will be held at the Miller Barn from 9am-3pm daily
. This even is open to anyone, no skills required. (More information to come.)

6/28: Coffee with the Superintendent
This year’s Coffee with the Superintendent event will be held at Olsen Farm in Port Oneida at 1pm, followed by a farm tour. (More information to come.) 

2023 Spring Volunteer Training

Annual Friends of Sleeping Bear Dunes Volunteer Training

May 13th, 1-3 pm

The Annual Friends of Sleeping Bear Dunes training is scheduled for May 13, at the Empire Town Hall. The training begins with a general orientation at 1 pm, which is applicable for all volunteers, both experienced and new. This training is a once-a-year chance for volunteers to hear the latest park news from park staff. It will include updates from the park superintendent, park rangers, and the park volunteer coordinator. The 1 pm general training will be followed by 2 pm breakout sessions to provide more information about individual volunteer opportunities including Adopt-A-Beach and Adopt-A-Trail.

What: Friends of Sleeping Bear Dunes Volunteer Training
Saturday, May 13th 1pm – 2pm, Break-out sessions start at 2pm
Empire Town Hall, 10088 W Front St, Empire, MI 49630
All Current and Interested Volunteers 

Join Us Virtually 

If you can not make it in person, join the Friends ZOOM at:
The ZOOM meeting will open at 12:45 PM and close at 2:00 PM and will not include the break-out sessions. 

Additional Training 

Track Chair Training

We will be training on Saturday, May 6th, for the upcoming Track Chair season; this training is open to new and old volunteers.  We will be doing the Bayview at 10am (meet at the lower trailhead off of Port Oneida Rd. near the Kelderhouse) and the Platte Campground at 2:30pmboth lasting 2.5 hours. You can attend one or both sessions depending on which trail you want to help with. This is a great way to learn about our program and how the Track Chairs operate.
If you have any questions, please email us: 

What: Track Chair Volunteer Training
Saturday, May 6th 10am – 4:20pm
Bayview Trail – Meet at the Trailhead at 10am, or Platte Campground at 2:30pm
All Current and Interested Volunteers 

Glen Haven Volunteer Training

Learn more about volunteering in Glen Haven. Over two trainings, the park will focus on Interpretation, and the other on volunteer safety, specifically in Glen Haven. Training is two nights on May 9th and May (), both events are virtual.
For more information, contact Casey for more info at

Bark Ranger Volunteer Training

The Park will hold a kick-off event for new volunteers of the Bark Ranger Program. Help the National Park and The Great Lakes Piping Plover Conservation Team protect piping plovers. We are recruiting dog owners to join our BARK Rangers program. Volunteering focuses on encouraging pet owners to recreate responsibly in the park with a lead-by-example approach. Training for new volunteers will be held in June.

Bark Ranger Informational Kick-off
Saturday, May 31st 6:20pm
Empire Township Hall
Interested Volunteers 

Glen Lake Picnic Area
Saturday, June 10th 10:30am
Glen Lake Picnic Area
New Volunteers 

Holiday Markets

We will be at the local holiday markets next week where you can find wonderful and unique gifts from local businesses as well as get our Holiday Book Bundle for anyone on your list who loves the National Lakeshore. Visit us at one of the following events: 
We will be selling our new book, Picture-Perfect Sleeping Bear, along with the holiday gift special which includes the popular Hiking Trail Maps (highlighting 16 popular hikes in the park), a Wildflower Guide with 75 full-color photos of local flowers categorized by season and location, and the popular Sleeping Bear Dunes sticker for $29.95. An $8 savings!
The perfect holiday gift that shares up-north memories. Shop for a Cause! Every purchase supports the Friends Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore projects. Please stop by our booth and chat with the Friends volunteer.
Do you already have the Picture Perfect Sleeping Bear Book and want to lean more about why, how, and the stories behind creating the book? Join us at the Glen Lake Community Library on December 15th to hear from the volunteers who produced to tell “the rest of the story”. 
We have invited some special guests to share their photos and memories of our national lakeshore, offering a personal, local perspective on the legacy of the S.B. Dunes. Presenters will include Mike Bolton, Dave Taghon, Amy Ellison, Dale DeVries and Kerry Kelly.
Attendees are also encouraged to bring their own photos, on a flash drive, to share via our large-screen TV. 
The program will take place at 7:00 pm in our Program Room. Copies of the book will also be available to purchase at this event. 

2022 Annual Meeting (Updated)

Friends of Sleeping Bear Dunes 2022 Annual Meeting (Update)


Thank you Volunteers!

On August 21st Friends gathered at the Empire Town Hall to hear park updates and vote for new board members (read their profiles below). It was a nice time to visit with old friends and meet new ones while enjoying ice cream graciously provided by Cherry Republic of Glen Arbor. SLBE Superintendent Scott Tucker had nothing but kind, encouraging words for the work that Friends do to help support our favorite National Lakeshore. Thank you, Friends! 

Read More

Volunteer Training Recap

Just as spring rain clouds began to drift overhead, current and prospective Friends of Sleeping Bear Dunes Volunteers wandered into Empire Town Hall, pushing pause in their busy lives to learn about current happenings within the National Park and opportunities to help. Kerry Kelly quickly added chairs to the back of the room for the great number of interested people. 

Introducing the Friends organization, Jerry Peterson sincerely thanked everyone who could attend in person as well as those able to watch virtually. There was a good mix of volunteers in the room from each Friends program and a multitude of new people. He encouraged folks to join the break-out groups afterward to learn more about the specific opportunities or talk to him about other talents that could be utilized. 

Next, SBD Superintendent, Scott Tucker, spoke of the current events taking place this summer and beyond within the Park;
from the restoration of the South Manitou Lighthouse to a potential turn lane being added at the entrance to the Dune Climb. With 1.7 million visitors to Sleeping Bear Dunes last year, and 50,000 volunteer hours logged, he encouraged the room that Sleeping Bear Dunes is a better place for future generations because of volunteer efforts today. 

Matt Mohrman, the NPS Volunteer Coordinator, tested the group on National Park Trivia and reminded everyone that Friends members are Park Service Volunteers. When you sign up to help with the Friends of Sleeping Bear Dunes, you are an ambassador for the Park, an extension of the Park Service, an integral part of the body of individuals that care for this beautiful natural resource that is Sleeping Bear Dunes.

General volunteer information and specific volunteer job descriptions can be found within our website if we missed you at the event or you need more details. Or you can watch the recorded meeting here: 2022 Friends of Sleeping Bear Dunes Volunteer Training  

We look forward to hearing from you and getting you plugged into the perfect role within our organization! 

Article and photos by Kristy Tompkins

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